mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

Melting Pot

Glauco Silvestri
Today is a peculiar day for me. It's gone a year to the day I've lost someone very important. I feel myself upside down. This night I had a dream where I was loosing someone else very important... So, let me say that I just wonder how I'm already doing my job as usual, and writing here as usual.

But, as someone told me once, chettifrega? (trad. from italian: why are you caring about it?)

So... Here we are and talking about my new novel. It's titled Race War Saga. It will embrace ten short stories, all connected as chapter of a big novel... maybe it's really a big novel, and I'm going to publish it - for free - in ten different episodes. If you're asking yourself about what the plot of this novel will talk about... well, you're welcome to me!
It's a mafia story, placed in Sicily, and in the south of Italy too. It's also a dramatic love story. It's also an on the road story. It start showing the killing of a girl, and the revenge of her brother. The killer, unfortunately, was the only (male) child of a big mafia's boss, so you can immagine that his murder make the situation a little more instable. The chase against the brother of the girl will throw into confusion all the isle... and more.

Reading this story you will find violence, sorrow, great characters, and a sort of race war between two high performance sport cars. Thats all for now. I don't want to disclose more about my new novel.

It will be published for free, in ebook, in italian language, as my habit, from a dedicated web site. It will happen at the start of december 2013. As usual, nine of the ten chapters will be published for free. The last chapter will be published together the others, as a book novel, on Amazon ebook store, I suppose in june 2014.

That's all for now... so, please, if you're interested about it, stay tuned! 

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About the Author

Glauco Silvestri / Author & Editor

Vivo a Bologna. Vivo per le mie passioni. Scrivo, leggo, amo camminare. Adoro il cinema, amo tantissimo le montagne. Sono cresciuto a suon di cartoni di Go Nagai e Miyazaki.
Mi guadagno da vivere grazie all'elettronica. Lavoro nella domotica, e nell'illuminazione d'emergenza, per una grossa azienda italiana. Ci occupiamo di sicurezza, salute, emergenza... ma anche di energia pulita. Il mio sogno sarebbe vivere grazie ai miei libri, ai miei disegni, alle mie fotografie... Ma onestamente, suppongo di essere più bravo nel mio attuale lavoro. Ciò non significa che io rinunci a provare, tutt'altro, faccio di tutto per migliorare, crescere, ottenere il meglio che posso nei miei lavori, che siano racconti, digital painting, fotografie...
Ovviamente, oltre a ciò, sono anche un blogger, ma se state leggendo questa breve nota, vuol dire che già lo sapete.

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